With the modification of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1352/2013, applicants are now required to provide an EORI number in applications for action by the customs authorities pursuant to Articles 6 and 12 Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This means that all applicants and their authorised representatives (e.g. law firms), wishing to submit a new application for action by the customs authorities or to amend or extend their existing applications, are strictly required to provide an EORI number when submitting their application.
The EORI number indicated must be clearly assigned to the applicant or representative. For example, it is not possible to use the EORI number of a subsidiary in the application for action by the customs authorities. The EORI number can be applied for and issued independently of a business activity in the cross-border movement of goods, as it is required by Union legislation in the field of industrial property (Article 6 (1) (a) UCCD).