Code number
In addition to being used as a code for specific goods, the 11-digit code number (example: 9503 0095 00 0) is also used as a code for specific actions such as the rate of duty or authorisation requirements. It must be quoted in paper-based and electronic customs declarations.
VAT identification number
In line with European guidelines, the value added tax identification number (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer) is made up of the national identifier and a maximum of 12 further characters - in Germany the acronym DE plus 9 digits (example: DE 123456789). To implement the correct application of the country-of-destination principle that is fundamental for the European Union, this number is required by businesses involved in intra-community commerce, and is assigned on request by the German central tax office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern).
Tax number
The tax number (example: 06/001/5822/0) is assigned by the domestic taxation authority (Finanzamt) when submitting advance turnover tax returns and/or regular tax returns. This number is made up of a tax office number, a district number, and further digits such as a serial number, which is why no definitive information relating to the precise length of this number can be given here.
Excise number
An important indication that a business is entitled to participate in a tax suspension procedure (excise tax) is the excise number. In Germany, it is assigned by the main customs offices within the framework of production/storage authorisations and/or the authorisation as a registered consignee. The German excise number has 13 places and may be composed as follows (example): DE 1234567890 8.