Questions about "Trademark and product piracy" and applications for action by the customs authorities
Direktion V
Zentralstelle Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz
Sophienstraße 6
80333 München
Tel.: 0228 303-61336
Fax: 0228 303-97556
Technical issues with the ZGR-online system
Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund)
An der Küppe 2
53225 Bonn
Tel.: 0800 1012631
Fax: 069 20971584
You like to know how to arrange for efficient protection of your intellectual property rights?
Then, have a look at the following list of authorities where you can have your property rights registered.
Do you wish to submit an application for action by the customs authorities of other EU Member State(s)?
Follow the link below for the contact details of other Member States’ competent authorities where you can file the application for action by the customs authorities pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 608/2013.
Customs authorities of other EU Member States PDF, 144 KB, Not a barrier-free file