Restrictions on the movement of goods between EU Member States pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009
Normally there are no restrictions on the importation or exportation of goods to, or from, other EU Member States, known as intra-Community movements.
There are, however, a number goods that are highly sensitive in terms of export and control policy, the trade in which requires strict surveillance. Such items are listed in Annex IV of the EC Dual-Use Regulation.
The intra-Community movement of these goods is also subject to prior authorisation.
In Germany, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control is responsible for granting authorisations. All information relevant to making applications, procedural simplifications, the granting of authorisations, information about the lists of goods, and other matters is available on the website of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control.
There are also other authorisation requirements - including those applicable to goods that are not included in any list - if the goods are initially to be moved to another Community State while their final destination, though, is outside the European Union.