Holiday pay is the continued payment of a wage during the annual holiday. The entitlement to holiday pay is a generally-applicable provision of the Federal Holiday Act (Bundesurlaubsgesetz - BUrlG).
Collective agreements in various industries contain special provisions which take precedence over the provisions of Article 3 et seq. of the Posted Workers Act (Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz - AEntG).
Please note
To find out whether a collective agreement requires an employer to pay a supplementary vacation allowance, or holiday bonus, you should refer to the tabular summary Conditions of employment as laid down in collective bargaining agreements and legal provisions.
Conditions of employment as laid down in collective bargaining agreements and legal provisions
Additional Information
- Minimum wage Training and further training services in accordance with SGB II or SGB III PDF, 306 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Federal collective wage agreement for the building industry PDF, 1 MB, Not a barrier-free file
- Collective wage agreement for the roofing trade PDF, 855 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Gardening, landscaping and sports field construction - federal collective labour agreement (BRTV) PDF, 242 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Gardening, landscaping and sports field construction - declaration of general applic PDF, 199 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Collective wage agreement for the scaffolding trade PDF, 1 MB, Not a barrier-free file
- Commercial cleaning sector collective wage agreement (Gebäudereinigung RTV) PDF, 683 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Collective wage agreement for the stonemasonry trade PDF, 60 KB, Not a barrier-free file
- Collective wage agreement for the stonemasonry trade PDF, 491 KB, Not a barrier-free file