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Notification of changes

Obligation to submit a notification of changes

Pursuant to section 16 (1) sentence 3 Minimum Wage Act (Mindestlohngesetz - MiLoG) and section 18 (1) sentence 3 Posted Workers Act (Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz - AEntG), the employer, as well as the user pursuant to section 16 (3) sentence 2 MiLoG, section 18 (3) sentence 2 AEntG and section 17b (1) sentence 2 Temporary Employment Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz - AÜG), must submit a notification of changes if

  • the beginning of the performance of the work or service changes,
  • the beginning or end of the period during which the temporary workers are supplied changes,
  • other workers than those of whom notification was originally given are employed,
  • if the place of employment in Germany changes or, for workers in the construction sector, the construction site’s location in Germany changes,
  • the documents are kept at a different place in Germany than the place originally notified,
  • a different person than the one previously notified is appointed as authorised recipient and/or responsible agent, or if
  • the address of the authorised recipient and/or responsible agent changes.

Notifications of changes shall be indicated as such by ticking the relevant box on the electronic notification form.

Minimum wage registration website


If deployment, at a particular place of employment that has been notified within the scope of operational scheduling pursuant to section 2 (2) (also in conjunction with (5) Ordinance on Minimum Wage Reporting Requirements pursuant to Minimum Wage Act, Posted Workers Act and Provision of Temporary Workers Act (Mindestlohnmeldeverordnung - MiLoMeldV) ("Operational scheduling (stationary)"), is postponed by less than eight hours, a notification of changes pursuant to section 3 (1)  of the MiLoMeldV is not required.

In accordance with section 3 (2) MiLoMeldV, changes to employment registered within the scope of operational scheduling pursuant to section 2 (3) (also in conjunction with section 5) MiLoMeldV ("Operational scheduling (mobile)") do not have to be notified.

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More information can be found in our data protection declaration. You can revoke your consent there at any time.

Data protection declaration
