Why is the trade in rough diamonds restricted?
During the 1990s it became clear that the civil wars taking place in Africa were principally being financed by illicitly mined diamonds ("blood diamonds"). In order to prevent the illegal trade in diamonds and end the civil wars a number of diamond-producing countries in southern Africa agreed to set up an international certification system for the diamond trade.
The Kimberley process regulations have been in force since 2002. By now more than fifty states or associations of states, including the European Union, are participating in the process. Raw diamonds may therefore only be imported or exported under certain closely-specified conditions.
What must be borne in mind when rough diamonds are sent to Germany from a non-European Union state?
The import of rough diamonds, and also their dispatch, is only permitted
- from states that are taking part in the Kimberley process, and
- where the consignment is accompanied with a valid certificate, and
- where the diamonds are in a container that has been sealed by the certifying body.
The certificate is a document that has been properly issued and validated by the competent authority in the participating state. It is this document which confirms that the requirements of the Kimberley process have been met.
Shipments that contain rough diamonds must then be presented to an authorised community body which inspects and validates the container and its certificate.
This is why such shipments, whether sent by post or courier service, are delivered by the transporter not directly to the addressee, but to the Idar-Oberstein customs office. The customs office then sends the addressee written notification as soon as a consignment with rough diamonds arrives.
We request addressees of rough diamond shipments to contact the certifying body promptly after having received the notification.
A list of the states participating in the Kimberley process and relevant contact details can be found in the Participants/Contact details section.
Do I need a certificate also for small quantities or for consignments of limited value?
Yes. Because the trade in illegally-mined rough diamonds shall be rigorously prevented, the conditions for bringing (i.e. the physical introduction of) rough diamonds into, or through, the territory of the European Union must always be complied with, irrespective of the value or quantity of the rough diamonds or the means of transport that you have chosen. Consequently, there are no thresholds on value or quantity allowances for rough diamonds.
Infringement of the Kimberley process certification system are subject to administrative fines.