Legal provisions for transferring or taking firearms and ammunition into a non-EU country
The German Weapons Act covers firearms and similarly classified objects, certain portable objects, and ammunition (Annex 1 Part 1 Weapons Act - Waffengesetz).
Transferring means the movement of a weapon across a border with the intention of leaving it abroad or changing its ownership (through sale, for example).
No export authorisation is required for transferring firearms or ammunition out of Germany into a non-EU country. The relevant provisions under Regulation (EU) No 258/2012 must, however, be observed (see below).
The export regulations set down in the external trade law must always be observed when transferring or taking firearms or ammunition into a non-EU country.
Taking means moving firearms or ammunition temporarily across the border in order to use them (in a competition, for example) without relinquishing ownership.
No export authorisation is required for taking firearms or ammunition out of Germany into a non-EU country.
Note should be taken, however, that it is universally prohibited to handle certain specific types of firearms or ammunition.
The competent administrative authorities (for example, city or municipal public affairs offices, district administrations) will answer any of your queries concerning the transfer or taking of weapons.
Competent authorities under weapons legislation
Export in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 258/2012
Regulation (EU) No 258/2012, in its Annex I, lists all the firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition that come within its scope. There are a few exceptions, however, where certain specific conditions concerning the categories of firearms and their users apply, as described in detail in the Regulation’s Article 3 (which would be the case, for instance, with deactivated or antique firearms).
Where it is intended that firearms, their parts and essential components and ammunition that come within the scope of Regulation (EU) No 258/2012 are either placed under an export procedure or re-exported, an export authorisation will generally be required.
Special provisions applying to hunters and marksmen
No export authorisation shall be required for the temporary export by hunters or sport shooters as part of their accompanied personal effects, during a journey to a third country, provided that the firearms are intended to be re-imported within a period of 24 months. Also, the reasons for the journey shall be substantiated to the competent authorities (for instance, by producing an invitation or other proof of the hunting or sport shooting activities in the third country), and the European Firearms Pass, or arms possession card, shall be produced to the customs office.
If the above conditions are met, one or more firearms and their essential components (if marked appropriately) and parts may be exported without an authorisation being necessary. The same applies for the related ammunition, limited to a maximum of 800 rounds for hunters and a maximum of 1 200 rounds for marksmen (sport shooters).
The competent authority in Germany for issuing export authorisations under Regulation (EU) No 258/2012 is the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle - BAFA).
You are therefore advised to contact the BAFA directly if you have any questions in the context of authorisation requirements and/or exemptions.