Report accessibility issue
We endeavour to make our website largely meet accessibility requirements and thus provide all users with unrestricted access to customs information. We depend on your help to do this.
Accessibility statement
If you notice an accessibility obstacle on and it is not yet included in the Accessibility statement, please let us know. Please use our contact form for this purpose. We will then inform you of the result of the review.
Our electronic contact form complies with the requirements of section 12b(2) No 2 Federal Disability Equality Act (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetzes des Bundes - BGG) on the feedback mechanism required there. Please use the form exclusively for reporting accessibility obstacles. For other concerns, you will find the corresponding contacts in the "Contact" section.
Other contacts for communication with German Customs
If you are unable to use the form due to an accessibility obstacle, you can also contact us by telephone (0351 44834-222).
It is not compulsory to provide your email address and you are free to choose whether or not to do so. When you send the form, the web address of the pages you accessed is also transmitted. For further information on how we handle your data, please see our Privacy statement.
Privacy statement
Advice on the form: Please fill in all mandatory fields before submitting.
Thank you for your support!