Highest competent regional authority | Responsible authority pursuant to Section 48(1) Weapons Act (Waffengesetz) |
Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg Tel.: +49 711 231-4 | Administration offices of the rural districts Public order offices of the
Bavaria Bavarian State Ministry of Internal Affairs, Construction and Transport Tel.: +49 89 2192-01 | Administration offices of the rural districts Public order offices of the self-governing cities |
Berlin Senate Administration for Internal Affairs and Sport Tel.: +49 30 90223-0 | Landeskriminalamt (LKA 553) Tel.: +49 30 4664-0 |
Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg Tel.: +49 331 866-0 | For the Oberhavel, Ostprignitz-Ruppin and Prignitz rural districts: Polizeipräsidium - Polizeidirektion Nord Tel.: +49 3391 354-0 For the Uckermark, Barnim, Märkisch-Oderland and Oder-Spree rural districts and the self-governing city of Frankfurt (Oder): Polizeipräsidium - Polizeidirektion Ost Tel.: +49 335 561-0 For the Dahme-Spreewald, Elbe-Elster, Oberspreewald-Lausitz and Spree-Neiße rural districts and the self-governing city of Cottbus: Polizeipräsidium - Polizeidirektion Süd Tel.: +49 355 4937-0 For the Havelland, Potsdam-Mittelmark and Teltow-Fläming rural districts and the self-governing cities of Brandenburg on Havel and Potsdam: Polizeipräsidium - Polizeidirektion West Tel.: +49 3381 7960-2001 |
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen Senator for the Interior Tel.: +49 421 361-9011 | For the City of Bremen district: Stadtamt Tel.: +49 421 361-6948
Ortspolizeibehörde Tel.: +49 471 953-0 |
Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg Ministry of the Interior Tel.: +49 40 42839-0 | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 4286-67601 |
Hesse Hesse Ministry of the Interior and Sports Tel.: +49 611 353-0 | Administrators of the rural districts and mayors of self-governing cities acting as district regulatory offices |
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Ministry of Internal Affairs and Sport of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Tel.: +49 385 558-0 | Administration offices of the rural districts Administration offices of the self-governing cities |
Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior and Sports of Lower Saxony Tel.: +49 511 120-0 | Rural districts, self-governing cities, major autonomous towns and autonomous municipalities |
North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Internal and Municipal Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Tel.: +49 211 871-01 | District police authorities |
Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sport and Infrastructure of the State of the Rhineland-Palatinate Tel.: +49 6131 16-0 | Administration offices of the rural districts Public order offices of the self-governing cities |
Saarland Ministry of the Interior and Sport of the Saarland Tel.: +49 681 501-00 | Rural districts Regional capital of Saarbrücken Regional confederation of Saarbrücken Towns of St. Ingbert and Völklingen |
Saxony Saxony State Ministry of the Interior Tel.: +49 351 564-0 | Administration offices of the rural districts Public order offices of the self-governing cities |
Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of the Interior of the State of Saxon Anhalt Tel.: +49 391 56701 | Rural districts and self-governing city of Dessau-Roßlau For the cities of Magdeburg and Halle: |
Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the Interior of the State of Schleswig-Holstein Tel.: +49 431 988 3090 | Public order and/or administration offices of the rural districts Public order and/or administration offices of the self-governing cities |
Thuringia Thuringian Ministry of the Interior Tel.: +49 361 3793-321 | Administration offices of the rural districts Public order offices of the self-governing cities |
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