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What are personal restrictions?

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What are personal restrictions?

Consignments may not be dispatched to Germany by post from a non-European Union state where the sender (person, group, organisation or similar) is subject to a restriction under an European Union regulation.

The prohibition extends to all persons, groups, or organisations involved in the process. It is, therefore, insufficient merely to check whether the sender is subject to the relevant restriction; any intermediaries, forwarding agents, and preceding senders must also be identified and checked.

Personal restrictions

Assets or economic resources may not be made available either directly or indirectly to the persons, groups, or organisations in the non-European Union state concerned, neither may they benefit from them (cf. the prohibition on providing resources).

The term economic resources refers to financial assets of any kind. These include not only material objects, but everything that can be sold or transferred for a consideration; for example, documents that have value or entitle their holders to rights on goods or claims. This means that consignments that require a consideration - for example, a payment - also fall under the prohibition.

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Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. Dort ist auch jederzeit der Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung möglich.